Results of a survey concerning quality of service provided by panels of experts of the Polish Accreditation Committee during the first quarter of 2014 are already available. This time we have received 24 questionnaires (5 more then in the first quarter of 2013).
Outcomes of responses to the close – ended questions are, similarly to the previuos analysis, very good (this time share of the best marks even exceeds 90%). We have also find some issues raised in the open – ended questions that we decided to explain – those were propositions to prepare and publish comparatible analysis of quality measures, to introduce possibility for experts to give partial assessments during the site – visits or to increase number of experts taking part in the programme assessments.
Detailed results of the survey (including data specific for the sections of the Polish Accreditation Committee) as well as explanation to the issues raised in the open – ended questions is available to download here (Polish version only!).