The Polish Accreditation Committee actively participates in international initiatives in the area of higher education.
2018 r.
Renewal of the status of full member of ENQA and EQAR's registration
2013 r.
Renewal of the status of full member of ENQA and EQAR's registration
2009 r.
Achieving Full Membership of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
2008 r.
Registration in the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR)
2006 r.
Participation in the activities of European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA), Central and East European Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA), International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).
Moreover, PKA is a signatory of mutual recognition agreements on accreditation decisions with NVAO (Netherlands), on cooperation with ANQA (Armenia), as well as with SKVC (Lithuania), NEAA (Bulgaria), ACSR (Slovakia) and AQAS (Germany).
PKA representatives also participate in numerous international conferences and seminars.
- dr hab. Peter Adamisin – social sciences, (economics)
- prof. dr hab. Beata Balogova – social sciences, economic sciences (sociology)
- dr Second Bwanakare – social sciences, economic sciences
- dr hab. Aleksandra Chapčáková – social sciences, economic sciences (sociology)
- Prof. Dr. Remigijus Daubaras – natural sciences (biology)
- Dr. Ing. Marie Gabryšová – social sciences, economic sciences
- Prof. Dr. Karol Görner – medical and health sciences and physical culture sciences
- Prof. Bogusław Grużewski – social sciences, economic sciences (economics)
- Prof. Tomas Kačerauskas – the social sciences
- dr hab. Kamil Kardis – humanities (religion studies) social sciences (sociology)
- dr hab. Maria Kardis – humanities (religion studies)
- prof. dr hab. Peter Konya – humanities (history)
- Dr. Halina Kotikovă – field of social sciences, field of economic sciences (economics, tourism and recreation)
- Prof. Ivan Leban – science, field of science and natural sciences (chemical sciences)
- dr hab. Irena Medňanskă – field of art, field of musical arts (instrumentalism)
- Prof. Dr. Ramune Marcinkeviciute – arts
- dr hab. Marek Michalski – social sciences, economic sciences
- Prof. Grzegorz Monastyrski – social sciences, economic sciences
- Prof. Anna-Maria Papini – science (chemical sciences)
- dr Jana Raclavskă – humanities (Polish studies)
- Prof. Miroslav Sasek – social sciences, economic sciences (economics)
- Prof. Tadeusz Siwek – natural sciences, Earth sciences (geography)
- Dr. Beate Stortkuhl – humanities
- dr Olgierd Swiatkiewicz – social sciences, economic sciences (management sciences)
- dr inż. Grzegorz Szewczyk – technical sciences (computer science)
- dr Józef Szymeczek – humanities (history, religion studies)
- Dr. Jolanta Urbanowič – social sciences, legal sciences, administrative science
- Prof. Ladislav Varkoly – technical sciences (computer science)
- dr hab. inż. Michal Zábovský – technical sciences (informatics)
- Prof. Ales Zaricky – humanities
- dr Grzegorz Zgraja – arts
- prof. dr hab. Jan Zielonka – social sciences