Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation

Since 1 March 2015, the Polish Accreditation Committee has been an authorised to coordinate the procedures for granting ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation. The procedure is voluntary and may be carried out either at degree programmes or at faculty/institutional level. Details related to the assessment procedure have been made available on the dedicated website of the European Consortium for Accreditation in higher education (ECA): https://ecahe.eu/internationalisation/

Internationalisation can contribute to the overall quality of higher education. ECA awards a Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation. CeQuInt internationalisation platform provides information on making the quality of internationalisation tangible. It offers programmes and institutions the means to self-assess internationalisation and/or to have their internationalisation assessed by a quality assurance agency. In addition, this is a platform to share and learn from good practices. The CeQuInt methodology can be used to assess the quality of internationalisation at programme- or at institutional level. A successful assessment leads to the award of ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation. This Certificate confirms that a programme or an institution has successfully incorporated an international and intercultural dimension into the purpose, function and delivery of its education.

Contact regarding the procedure:

  • Maria Kardis – PKA expert
  • Karolina Martyniak – chief specialist for international cooperation of PKA
grafika certyfikatu ECA "quality in internationalisation