Templates for self-assessment reports

applicable to programme evaluation procedures initiated after 30 September 2018. The date of initiating proceedings on programme evaluation is the date of sending a letter to a higher education institution by the PKA with a request to prepare a self-assessment report.

Programme evaluation

General academic profile

Indicators of compliance with quality standards

(on the basis of Resolution No. 67/2019 of the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee of 28 February 2019 on the rules of conducting visits during programme evaluation).

  1. The site visit shall be carried out in accordance with a schedule which shall include, in particular:
    • Meeting of the evaluation panel with the authorities of the higher education institution providing the assessed programme.
    • Assessment of compliance with the programme evaluation criteria laid down in §1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 12 September 2018 on programme evaluation criteria (Dziennik Ustaw of 2018, item 1787), and the detailed standards and criteria laid down for the general academic and practical profile respectively, as attached as Annex 2 to the Statutes of the Polish Accreditation Committee.
    • Classroom inspections.
    • The teaching infrastructure, both university and non-university, used for the provision of classes;
      • in the case of general academic profile evaluation with particular emphasis on the scientific infrastructure,
      • and in the case of practical profile evaluation with particular emphasis on the infrastructure used for practical skills development classes and equipment of institutions in which internships are provided.
    • Meetings with:
      • representatives of students, student self-government and the student scientific movement, 
      • representatives of the stakeholders’ representatives,
    • Meetings of the evaluation panel members to analyse the information gathered, formulate conclusions, comments and recommendations to summarise the site visit.
    • Final meeting with the institution’s authorities.

In the event of the re-evaluation procedure referred to in § 17 section 10 of the Statutes, the site visit shall take place in accordance with the rules laid down in that legislation and may last one day.

applicable to programme evaluation procedures initiated and not completed before 1 October 2018. The date of initiating the procedure for programme evaluation shall be the date of the request for the self-assessment report sent by the PKA to the higher education institution.

General academic profile

Download the self-assessment report template (.doc)

Practical profile

Download the self-assessment report template (.doc)

Template for a self-assessment report on corrective actions following a conditional evaluation

Template for a self-assessment report on corrective actions following a conditional evaluationTemplates for procedures initiated between 12 January 2017 and 30 September 2018.

General academic profile

Download the self-assessment report template (.doc)

Practical profile

Download the self-assessment report template (.doc)

Template for a self-assessment report on corrective actions following a conditional evaluation

emplate for a self-assessment report on corrective actions following a conditional evaluation

Guidelines for the preparation of a self-evaluation report

(based on Resolution No. 66/2019 of the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee of 28 February 2019 on guidelines for the preparation of the self-evaluation report).

If a higher education institution provides degree programmes of both a general academic profile and a practical profile, the report should be prepared separately for each of the profiles.
The reports referred to in point 1 shall be submitted by the higher education institution to the Polish Accreditation Committee within six weeks from the date of receipt of the request.
The self-assessment report should be prepared in one hard copy and two electronic copies, with the annexes only in electronic format. The paper version of the report and the electronic version recorded on a CD or DVD (in two copies) should be sent to the address of the Polish Accreditation Committee: ul. Żurawia 32/34, 00-515 Warsaw.
According to § 17 section 3 of the PKA Statute, the higher education institution publishes the self-evaluation report on its website 14 days before the date of the site visit.