Site visits planned by the Polish Accreditation Committee at the first half of November 2019

ołówki na żółtym tle

At the first half of November 2019, PKA planned the following site visits: November 5-6  in the field of computer science and econometrics conducted at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Bialystok University of Technology; in the field of landscape architecture conducted at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Landscape Architecture of the … Read more

Quality, proffesionalism, clarity

Zdjęcie prezentujące 3 osoby śmiejące się i pracujące na swoich przenośnych komputerach w bibliotece. in a new version!   To meet your expectations and current trends, we have designed and launched a new version of the Polish Accreditation Committee’s website. Thanks to this, we are pleased to invite you to use the website, which is characterized by professionalism, intuitiveness and high quality of presented content. Preparing for … Read more