www.pka.edu.pl in a new version!
To meet your expectations and current trends, we have designed and launched a new version of the Polish Accreditation Committee’s website. Thanks to this, we are pleased to invite you to use the website, which is characterized by professionalism, intuitiveness and high quality of presented content.
Preparing for the changes introduced, we sought opinions from representatives of various stakeholder groups precisely so that the new version of the website could meet all expectations of its users. The conducted research in focus groups allowed us to see the imperfections and weaknesses of the previous version, which we could effectively eliminate, as well as to search for and implement new solutions that will improve the use of all resources.
The new layout presented on the website has been thought out and planned in such a way as to facilitate users navigating the site. Importantly, it is consistent with the comprehensive visual identity template implemented by the Polish Accreditation Commission. All this is the result of long-term changes that aim at professional and effective communication between the Commission and its stakeholders.
Thanks to this, we can give you a clear and improved version of our portal, which contains key information from the point of view of PKA’s activity in an attractive form. We also took care of modernizing the website, and thus adapted it to mobile devices so that you can take full advantage of its capabilities on your phones or tablets. The used search engine will allow you to effectively search the new page, but above all it will allow you to navigate efficiently through our rating database.
The information on the site is sorted according to the main tabs: About PKA, Standards and evaluation procedures, Evaluation, Opinions, Cooperation and the PKA Office – we encourage you to familiarize yourself with their extensions, because you will find in them a lot of useful information on the activities of PKA, its mission, strategies, legal acts under which the Commission operates, implemented standards or implemented procedures.
The following main sections will take you through the main page, respectively: The most important news, Target groups (universities, students, candidates for studies, representatives of employer groups, members, experts and people who are the secretary of the PKA assessment team, as well as people who want to cooperate with PKA), News , Calendar of visits, PKA publications, People (and the management of the Commission and its Offices) and Address details. We will post here information that we want to share with our users. In an attractive form, quickly and concretely – we will try to ensure that all messages meet the standards of modern communication, while maintaining traditional norms of culture and values.
Listening to constructive feedback, we are still working on improving our website. If during the works any interruptions in access to information or other difficulties occur, we will try to eliminate them as soon as possible to give you the opportunity to fully use the site.
By opening a new chapter of PKA’s presence in the Internet space, we will make every effort to ensure that the presented content has the highest level of quality and usability.
We invite you to use our new site!