Site visits planned by the Polish Accreditation Committee February 2020

ołówki na żółtym tle

At the  February 2020, PKA planned the following site visits:    31 January – 1 February  in the field of  economics at the Kielce University of Technology;  16 – 17 February  in the field of interior design at the University of Technology and Commerce Helena Chodkowska in Warsaw  17 –18 February  in the field political science at the University of Lodz;  20 – 21 February  in the field of finance and accounting at the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Karkowska Academy in Krakow;  in … Read more

Plenary session

On 8 January. a plenary meeting of the 6th term of the Polish Accreditation Committee was held in Warsaw. In addition to the members appointed for the years 2020-2023, the meeting was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin. In accordance with the PKA Statute, a five-member Ethics … Read more

Site visits planned by the Polish Accreditation Committee January 2020

ołówki na żółtym tle

At the January 2020, PKA planned the following site visits:  10-11 january in the field of administration in Kętrzyn. Olsztyn College (former University of Information Technology and Economics TWP in Olsztyn); 11-12 january in the field of administration at the Elbląg University of Humanities and Economics in Elbląg; in the field of pedagogy at the … Read more