On October 7, 2021 the leaders of the higher education quality assurance agencies of the four Visegrad countries signed the Memorandum establishing the Visegrad Four Quality Assurance Forum (V4QA Forum) in Budapest.
The Forum was established by: Hungarian MAB (Magyar Felsőoktatási Akkreditációs Bizottság), the Czech NAB (Národní akreditační úřad pro vysoké školstvi), the Polish PKA (Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna) and the Slovak SAAVS (Slovenská akreditačná agentúra pre vysoké školstvo). The aims of V4QA Forum is to ensure a regular exchange of experiences in the field of quality assurance, to facilitate the development of an international network of experts and to initiate staff exchanges between agencies.
The Presidency of the Forum will be rotating in the same model as the Presidency of Visgrad Cooperation, so that in 2022 the Slovak SAAVS will take over the coordination tasks. The V4QA Forum is open to wider international collaborations and projects as set in the V4QAF Memorandum.