The Polish Accreditation Committee involves a pool of student experts.
The Coordinator representing the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland is responsible for the proper functioning of the Team, in cooperation with the Polish Accreditation Committee. The aims of the pool are: exchange of good practices, efficient organization of tasks and mutual support in their implementation. Student experts participate in annual training sessions and individual feedback meetings. In addition, they actively participate in regular meetings, forums and webinars organized by the Polish Accreditation Committee, which focus on the quality of higher education.
Coordinator of the student experts pool – Paweł Adamiec
Recruitment to the Students’ Expert Pool is carried out annually from May to September, in four stages.
Stage 1: Submission of candidates applications
Stage 2: Verification of candidates’ knowledge through an online test in essay form.
Step 3: Verification of the candidates’ knowledge, skills and social competences through an interview.
Stage 4: Training for candidates for experts focused on programme evaluation criteria, criteria for assessing applications for the establishment of degree programmes, as well as practical aspects of the expert’s work.
Mentoring programme: Each new expert participates in the first visit as an observer in the activities carried out by an experienced expert.
Full information about the recruitment process, including requirements for candidates:
Students participate in the programme evaluation as full members of the evaluation panels. More on programme evaluation: here
From 2019, students are involved in the process of reviewing applications for the establishment of new degree programs.
More on how to give an opinion on applications: tutaj
Student experts also participate in annual training sessions and individual evaluation interviews. Participation in regular meetings and forums organized by the Polish Accreditation Committee, dedicated to the quality of higher education, is an additional valuable component.
The most recent evaluation, accompanied by a training, took place on 6-7 April at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The experts discussed the criteria for programme evaluation, focusing in particular on the aspect of support and motivation of students in achieving the intended learning outcomes. Moreover, quality standards compliance sheets were discussed. During the session, a new component was introduced: the analysis of criteria for evaluating applications for the establishment of new degree programmes, i.e. the process in which students were included in 2019. Following the established practices, an internal evaluation of the pool was also carried out, aimed at continuous improvement of its work.
Webinars are an innovative method of conducting discussions and trainings within the pool. They cover current issues related to programme evaluations and opinions on applications, and facilitate the exchange of good practices among experts.
Every year, experts’ support programme is also organised. The experts meet individually with a representative of the PKA Bureau, analysing the substantive and organisational aspects of their work. Conclusions and recommendations are formulated in the form of a report.