According to § 1 section 4 of the Statute of the Polish Accreditation Committee, the Committee have to be the subject to external review, in accordance with the principles of the functioning of the quality assurance agency in the European Higher Education Area at least once in 5 years. The international team of experts have been evaluating PKA triply already.
The last review was taken in 2018 and the Polish Accreditation Committee renewed the status of a full member of ENQA and the entry in the EQAR register. In October 2020, in connection with this assessment, the Commission developed and submitted to ENQA the follow-up report, which presents in detail of implementations that the Commission fulfield between 2018 and 2020 as a execution of the recommendations formulated by the international team of experts.
We are pleased to announce that ENQA appreciated the activities of the Commission, which was reflected in the content of the letter, which you can read below. The external positive assessment of PKA’s activity is particularly important, especially as it concerns the period of designing and implementing changes related to the entry into force of the Act of 20 July 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science, and challenges determined by the dynamic development of the pandemic situation.