On December 15 this year. a Plenary Session of the Polish Accreditation Committee was held. In addition to the members of the 6th term of office appointed for the years 2020-2023, the meeting was also attended by invited guests: Minister of Education and Science – dr hab. Przemysław Czarnek, Chairman of the Central Council of Science and Higher Education – prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Marciniak and the Chairman of the PKA Consulting Council – prof. dr hab. Adam Budnikowski.
Due to the current epidemic situation and the applicable safety rules resulting from legal regulations, members of the Plenary Session participated in the meeting via the MS Teams platform.
During the remote meeting, members of the Committee adopted a resolution on the amends to the PKA Statute and approved the Strategy for 2021-2025. The session also allowed the President of the PKA to present a report on the current activities of the Committee, and the Chairs of the Sections of in the fields of science and the field of arts and for Teacher Education, Appeals Section and the team for complaints and motions, to present the main conclusions regarding the work of these sessions.
The Committee’s Strategy for the years 2021-2025, adopted by PKA members, was published on the PKA’s website, and the amended Statute will be posted on the Commission’s website as of the effective date of the amended regulations.