The State Accreditation Committee in cooperation with Business Centre Club organizes IVth Quality Forum (08.04.2009) dedicated to role of representatives of employers in the quality assurance process.
The aim of the meeting is to discuss significance and roles of representatives of employmers in the process of education, assessment and quality assurance of education. The discussion should allow for identification of mutual expectaton and expected forms of cooperation between interested parties which should facilitate development of top quality education oriented on the need of labour market.
The Seminar is addressed to representatives of employers, higher education institutions, Ministry of Science of Higher Education, Conference of Rectors of Polish Academic Schools, Conference of Rectors of Polish Vocational Schools, General Council of Higher Education, Working Group for National Qualification Framework, Students' Parliament of Republic of Poland, peer accreditation committees, members of experts of the PKA.
The meeting will be held in Warsaw in the premises of Business Centre Club (pl. Żelaznej Bramy 10).