The conference entitled „Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: Methodology and Its Relevance for Higher Education Policy” will be held in Mannheim, Germany on 19 – 20 May 2014.
Seminar is organised within IMPALA project framework (Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance Processes in Higher Education Institutions. Pluralistic Methodology and Application of a Formative Transdisciplinary Impact Evaluation) which was started on 1 October 2013 by a consortium of entities representing accreditation agencies, higher education institutions and so called umbrella organisations.
The aim of the IMPALA is to improve the knowledge and know-how of all stakeholders about the effects, and impacts of external quality assurance procedures and following partners are directly involved in its realisation: evalag, ARACIS, AQU, FINHEEC, University of Stuttgart, Bucharest Technical University of Civil Engineering, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences, University of Oslo, ENQA and ESU.
Detailed IMPALA project description is provided on the ENQA website, information concerning conference issues are available here.
Representatives of the Polish Accreditation Committee will attend the seminar.