Following site-visits of the Polish Accreditation Committee are planned between 23 and 30 June 2014:
- 26 June:
- in the field of „enviromental engineering” provided by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Opole University of Technology,
- 27 – 28 June:
- in the field of „management” provided by the Management Faculty of the College of Management Edukacja in Wrocław,
- 28 – 29 June:
- in the field of „emergency medical care” provided by Instytut Ochrony Zdrowia i Przyrody of Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Kostrzynie nad Odrą.
- in the field of „physical education” provided by Instytut Sportu i Rekreacji we Wrocławiu of Wyższa Szkoła Edukacja w Sporcie w Warszawie,
- in the field of „physical education” provided by Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki of the Holy Cross University in Kielce,
- 29 – 30 June:
- in the field of „management” provided by the Management Faculty in Kłodzko of the College of Management Edukacja in Wrocław.