The Polish Accreditation Committee plans following site visits between April 17 and April 23, 2017:
- April 20 – 21:
- in the field of „biology” provided by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk;
- April, 21 – 22:
- in the field of „management” provided by the Faculty of Economy and Management of Opole University of Technology;
- in the field of „national security” provided by the Faculty of Social Studies of the University of Security in Poznań;
- April 22:
- in the field of „transport” provided by the Faculty of Economics, Spatial Economy and Transport of Podkarpacka Szkoła Wyższa im. bł. ks. Władysława Findysza in Jasło (follow-up assesssment);
- April, 22 – 23:
- in the field of „civil engineering” provided by the Faculty of Social and Technical Sciences of Kujawska Szkoła Wyższa in Włocałwek;
- in the field of „informatics” provided by the Faculty of Informatics, Administration and Physiotherapy of Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania „Copernicus” in Wrocław;
- in the field of „management” provided by the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences in Inowrocław of the University of Economy in Bydgoszcz.

We would like to remind you that resolutions of the Polish Accreditation Committee with quality assessments given to specific field of study (program) are published, along with reports of panels of experts, in the quality assessments database. The Committee made also available a separate list, dedicated to outstanding assessments only.