The first meeting of PKA's Advisory Board was held on 27 November 2010. The meeting was attended by:
– dr hab. Zbigniew Marciniak (President of the Advisory Board),
– prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Chałasińska – Macukow,
– dr Nick Harris,
– Tove Blytt Holmen,
– dr hab. Andrzej Jamiołkowski,
– dr Andrzej Malinowski,
– prof. dr hab. Waldemar Tłokiński,
– dr hab. Marek Rocki (President of PKA),
– dr hab. Mieczysław W. Socha (Secretary of PKA).
Members become acquainted with draft amendments to the Act of Law on Higher Education and discussed possible consequences for PKA. It was agreed that draft ammendments harm the indenpendence of the Comittee as well as its national and international status.
Members of the Advisory Board vote through position concerning art.9 (3) (3) and art. 48a (1) of Act amending Act of Law on Higher Education. It was noted that provisions referring to tasks of PKA are not coherent in the scope of accreditation and quality assessment of education. Participants of the meeting discussed also desired changes in the legal regulations, that is provisions allowing for more flexibility in the scope of building of quality culture and – last but not least – solutions allowing for fulfilment of international standards approved in European Higher Education Area.
During the discussion referring to art. 48a (2) of the draft amendments members of Advisory Board pointed out that Committee has to be fully independent in scope of defining standards and criteria.