Methods of teaching assessment – conference (10 – 11.06.2013).

On 10 – 11 June 2013 the XXII All – Poland Didactic Conference „Methods of teaching assessment” was organised by Institute of Statistics and Demography of the University of Lodz and Institute of Econometrics of University of Lodz undr the auspices of the President of Lodz Hanna Zdanowska. The aim of the conference was to facilitate sharing experience of academic teachers providing lectures in quantitative subjects (i.e. mathematics, statistics, econometrics, operational research, informatics) with special regard to effectiveness of teaching.

The conference opened by the President of the Scientific Committee prof. Czeslaw Domanski was attended by 63 participants and among them the President od the Polish Accreditation Committee prof. Marek Rocki who presented paper entitled „State of teaching of statisticians in he reports of the Polish Accreditation Committee, the representative of the Central Statistical Office prof. Wlodzimierz Okrasa, academic teachers, researchers, Ph. D. students and students representing 12 Polish higher education institutions and practicioners.

During the plenary session led by prof. Marek Rocki the papers regarding quality measurement, enterpreneurship and quantitative methods in economics and business were presented.