The IXth Congress of Polish Economists will be held under the slogan: „Economics for Future. To Explore the Nature and Causes of Economic Phenomena” in Warsaw on 28 and 29 November 2013. President of the Polish Accreditation Committee will attend the meeting.
The Congress provides discussion space for all economists, not only members of the Polish Economical Society, and thus creates unique occasion for exchange of opinions with theoreticians and practiocioners, with economists representing various centers and theoretical trends in economics as well as with representatives of other disciplines of science.
Participants of IXth edition of the Congress will debate on essence and causes of changes in world economy. The meeting will be divided into following thematic blocks:
- Economical science: Stylized Facts and Challenges of the Present (theoretical session).
- Controversions and Disputes over Model of Economy – State and Market, Economic Growth and Social Coherence (session: economic policy).
- Poland in the European Union and Global Economy (session: endogenous and exogenous determinants of the development of Poland).
- Education for Sustainable and Lasting Development and Social Responsibe Business („educative” session).
Among 231 papers prepared for the Congress there is also one authored by the President of the Polish Accreditation Committee entitled „Quality of economicsts teaching in the light of PKA's works” (paper in Polish).
Detailed information on the meeting, including agenda and whole collection of papers, are available on the website of the Congress: