EURASHE will organise a Community of Practice Workshop on Learning Outcomes within Professional Higher Education Context on 13 December 2013 in Prague (Czech Republic) jointly with the Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education (CASPHE) and the College of Nursing (VŠZ).
The idea behind the workshop is, among others, to bring together a group of practitioners in order to allow them to discuss challenges, barriers as well as good practices, to learn from each other, build new contacts.
The programme od the event is as follows:
Friday 13 December 2013
9.00: Registration.
9.30: Welcome and opening of the workshop.
- EURASHE and its policies, Michal Karpíšek, Vice-President of EURASHE, Executive Officer of the Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education (CASPHE).
9.40: Plenary session I.
- Characteristics of PHE across Europe, Anthony F. Camilleri, Senior Consultant at Knowledge Innovation Centre (KIC-Malta).
- Labour market & Learning Outcomes (Flemish case), Irène Hermans, Leuven University College (KHLeuven).
- Learning Outcomes – Reflection of the labour market and its assessment (Austrian case), Gabrielle Abermann, Professor of English and Intercultural Communication at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
10.40: Working group themes.
10.50: Coffee break.
11.10: Working groups on institutional experience I.
12.10: Report from the working groups I and discussions.
12.30: Lunch.
13.30: Plenary session II.
- Meeting Learning Outcomes: Linking Theory and Practice Irish experience with Work-based learning, Oran Doherty, Work Based Learning (WBL) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Facilitator at Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT).
- Meeting Learning Outcomes: Methods of Delivery & Students’ Assessment Experience of Dean Faculty of Business, Danutė Rasimavičienė, Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences.
14.10: Coffee break.
14.30: Working groups on institutional experience II.
14.30: Report from the working groups II.
16.00: Conclusions from the working groups I & II.
16.20: Closing of the workshop.