Science – to – Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and University Industry Innovation Network – three institutions that focus their activity on the verge of world of science and world of entrepreneurship published a report prepared under auspices of the European Committee concerning cooperation between higher education institutions and business in Europe.
The research was performed in 14 countries. In Poland questionnaires were filled in by 461 academic teachers and 159 HEIs managers, whose answer depicts current state of cooperation. Authors of the survey pointed out 8 key areas of cooperation which consitutue benchmark framework for all analysed countries. Those were: 1) collaboration in research and development, 2) mobility od academics, 3) mobility of students, 4) commercialisation of research and development results, 5) cirriculum development and delivery, 6) LifeLong Learning, 7) entrepreneurship and 8) governance.
– Significant change is required for Poland to improve collaboration between HEIs and business – authors of the reports declare and denote two major identified obstacles: lack of sufficient commitment and also lack of cultural orientation to university – business cooperation. It was highlighted that government and HEIs officials should work together not only to create strategies, structures and approaches but also to change the common perception of collaboration in this area.
As survey results show, Polish higher education institutions are located in the second half of the chart – most frequently slighty below the average rates but in two areas results are much lower than the average, that is in cooperation in research and development (European average is 30% higher) and commercialisation of research and development results (European average higher by 35%). At the same time barriers for cooperation in the opinion of interviewees are considered in Poland as a bit more challenging then the average. Much more noticable difference occurs in the area of drivers for cooperation – Polish interviewees are ca. 15 – 30% less enthusiastic then their collegues from other countries.