The seminar, entitled Making sense of the MOOCs, will unpack the very concept of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Are MOOCs just „old wine in new bottles”? How are they different from traditional online distance learning initiatives? Who are the players and where are they from? What do MOOCs offer to the learners? How are MOOCs financed? What are the best or worst practices in the offering of MOOCs? What are the typical myths of MOOCs? What do MOOCs mean for Europe? Are MOOCs here to stay, or will they soon fade away?
Wednesday 9 October
19.00 | Seminar dinner |
Thursday 10 October
08.30 | Registrations and coffee |
09.15 | Welcome and introduction |
09.30 | MOOCs. An introduction |
10.05 | MOOCing higher education at home and abroad. Best practices and worst challenges. |
10.40 | Coffee break |
11.00 | European MOOCs in global context |
11.35 | Funding MOOCs. Are the business models sustainable? |
12.10 | MOOCs: European perspectives |
12.45 | Sandwich lunch |
13.45 | „Traditional” Open and Distance Learning:what is out there, how do the MOOCs fit in? |
14.20 | MOOCs made in Europe: iversity |
15.00 | Coffee break |
15.15 | EADTU's OpenupEd initiative |
15.50 | MOOCs at the Swiss Federal Institute of Lausanne |
16.25 | Student-faculty interaction in the MOOC environment |
17.00 | Conclusions and farewell |