ENQA seminar in Brussels.

Logo ENQAThe European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) seminar on “European QA agencies’ ways to comply with the ESG in an international perspective, adhering to the European dimension: Shaping the future together” co-organized with Quality Assurance Unit of the Flemish Higher Education Council will take place on 2 – 3 June 2014 in Brussels, The meeting will mainly address the staff of quality assurance agencies and the staff members involved in the preparation of the external evaluation of the agency such as the drafting of the self-evaluation report.

The seminar will address in the first place issues related to European Standards and Guidelines and internationalization of accreditation agencies, challenges encountered and best practices adopted. Moreover, the seminar is intended to give inormation on the status quo of the revision process of European Standards and Guidelines and explore areas related to assessement of resources, independence and system-wide analysis conducted by the agencies as well as the relation between the national prorities and European needs.

Detailed agenda of the seminar can be downloaded here.