A short report from PKA – FIBAA meeting.

The meeting of representatives of the Polish Accreditation Committee with Daisuke Motoki – Managing Director of the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) took place on 26 June 2014. The meeting was preliminary planned within the formula of the cyclical PKA’s QA experts meetings but finally it was decided to invite also other participants, including members of working groups for amendment of PKA’s criteria for institutional and programme assessments.

During the discussion Daisuke Motoki briefed the attendants with models of assessment applied by FIBAA, including participation of foreign experts and language of such international site-visits, level of requested formalisation of internal quality assurance systems as well as demands concerning processess resulting from them and structure of quality managing bodies (namely: the level of independence from academic bodies). The problems FIBAA encountered during assessment of German higher education institutions were also discussed during the meeting as well as examples of good practices identified in Germany and Switzerland.

The Committee was represented by following speakers: prof. Danuta Strahl (vice-president of the Committee), prof dr hab. Łukasz Sułkowski and dr hab. Maria Próchnicka who presented short information on PKA’s criteria and draft methodology for identification and dissemination of good practices being prepared during PKA’s QA experts meetings.